Friday, November 26, 2010

#23: Fill an "Operation Christmas Child" box from our family

Technically, our family didn't fill a single box. We joined forces with Little Man's preschool and my MOPS group to fill a large number of boxes. Our MOPS group filled 21 boxes with a huge bag of leftovers that I took to Preschool for them to use in their boxes. Since my partner-in-crafting-crime co-Creative Activities coordinator  & I were in charge of this project, Little Man and I actually got take all the boxes to be dropped off, which he was very excited about. We also collected money for shipping, but put it on my debit card so we could track where our boxes end up. How cool!

I'm glad these will end up providing a little bit of Christmas for a child around the world, but I think it's important to remember there are plenty of people locally who are also in need, especially given the state of the economy right now. At my family's Thanksgiving this year, we collected can goods to be used for "Backpack Buddies". What a great, simple way to provide basic needs to those around us.

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